The average house price on BRIAR CLOSE is £220,583
The most expensive house in the street is 4 BRIAR CLOSE with an estimated value of £307,184
The cheapest house in the street is 11 BRIAR CLOSE with an estimated value of £162,910
The house which was most recently sold was 1 BRIAR CLOSE, this sold on 4 Oct 2019 for £160,000
The postcode for BRIAR CLOSE is SY5 0AX
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 BRIAR CLOSE Semi-Detached £197,664 £160,000 4 Oct 2019
2 BRIAR CLOSE Detached £266,172 £87,500 27 Mar 2002
3 BRIAR CLOSE Semi-Detached £163,352 £130,000 25 May 2018
4 BRIAR CLOSE Detached £307,184 £72,500 6 Sep 1999
5 BRIAR CLOSE Semi-Detached £186,407 £150,000 5 Dec 2018
6 BRIAR CLOSE Detached £234,501 £147,000 7 Feb 2014
7 BRIAR CLOSE Semi-Detached £225,127 £135,000 1 Dec 2006
9 BRIAR CLOSE Semi-Detached £241,930 £141,000 7 Sep 2006
11 BRIAR CLOSE Semi-Detached £162,910 £130,000 8 Jun 2018